Singletrack Club

Dates are:

Tuesday 2 Feb 2016 – Rapaki [click here for results]
Tuesday 9 Feb 2016 – Worsley’s [click here for results]
Tuesnday 16 Feb 2016 – C2-Crocodile-Kennedy’s [click here for results]

You can start any time between 6 pm and 7 pm.  Riders will start at approx 30 second intervals.  Donations appreciated.

More info:

These low-key events are open to anyone. Simply turn up and ride and we’ll provide the timing and results. The courses in the series are mostly well known tracks so there will generally be no course markings to follow. If you are not familiar with any of the other tracks being used please use the maps below and pre-ride the track. While many ride this series socially or use it as an excuse to get out for a regular hill ride, the competition for the title of Canterbury’s best hillclimber is very much there at the pointy end of the field! There will be no prizegiving at any of the individual events (once you’ve finished your timed run you are free to go).


  • Riders can start between 6 and 7pm
  • All events will be time trial format with riders starting at 30 second intervals
  • Where possible faster riders will start before slower riders to minimise congestion on the singletrack
  • Riders enter at their own risk – we are only providing timing
  • Write down your name and category details and the race number you have picked up
  • Categories are: juniors (age is taken as at 1 January)
  • You will be allocated a race number which you will keep for the series
  • There will generally be no course markings… it is up to you to know where the course goes
  • Please refer to the maps below for courses
  • All tracks will remain open to the public… please respect all other track users
  • Gates and track conditions will be how you find them
  • Once you reach the top timekeeper you are free to head off
  • Points will be given at each event (based on your time in relation to the winner’s time)
  • Points from your ALL 3 rounds go towards your series total and a trophy is awarded to the fastest man and woman
  • Times will be available on the Singletrack Club’s website and Facebook page within a day or so of each hillclimb (usually by 10pm on the night of each race)
  • If the tracks are very wet or it is raining, events will be postponed or cancelled, …check the Singletrack Club’s facebook page, or phone Jurgen (0211020523) if any doubt
  • Although these events are free to enter, you are encouraged to make a donation to go towards Port Hills trails that we build and/or maintain.

  • 1
    – Rapaki Track

    Same course as the last few years – starts at the bottom of Rapaki Track (at the gate) and finishes at the Summit Rd gate.

    Suggested parking: Centaurus Rd

2 – Worsleys TrackSame course as the last few years – starts just up from the end of the tarseal (on the flat area) and finishes 10m below the Worsleys Track top gate. A classic dirt 4WD course that has numerous fairly smooth lines in between massive ruts and provides a different riding experience every year.Suggested parking: top of Worsleys Rd (just near the start)

3 – C2-Crocodile-Kennedys Tracks – starts at the cattlestop at the bottom of the Crocodile and C2, a few hundred metres from the Halswell Quarry Cashmere Rd carpark (head around the foot of the hill through the Quarry Park). It heads up C2, then the Crocodile singletrack and then left onto the 4WD Kennedys Track (you can use the singletrack beyond here if you want but it is slower). Near the top where the track splits the course takes the right hand option and finishes at the locked gate about 50m below the Summit Rd. We will endevour to have an arrow at that split.Suggested parking: Cashmere Rd Quarry carpark